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Michael Sabetai

Michael M Sabetai, MD PhD FRCS

St Thomas' Hospital
Westminster Bridge Road, East Wing, 6th Floor
London   SE1 7EH
United Kingdom
+44 20 7188 1057
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic


University of Hawaii, Surgical Resident (1993-1996)
University of Southern Carifornia, Los Angeles, Trauma Resident (1996)
Imperial College School of Medicine, St Mary's Hospital (PhD in Cardiovascular Surgery)(1996-2000)
St Thomas' Hospital, Senior House Officer and Registrar (2001-2002)
The London Chest Hospital and The Royal Brompton Hospital, Registrar (2003-2006)
St Thomas' and Guy's Hospitals, Thoracic Registrar (2007-2008)
Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton, Registrar (2009)
Royal Brompton Hospital, Senior Registrar (2010)
St Thomas' Hospital, Senior Registrar (2011)
St Thomas' Hospital, Consultant Cardiac/Aortic Surgeon (2/2012)
University of Texas at Houston, Memorial Hermann Hospital (Dr H Safi), USA (Aortic Surgery) (2012)
University of Pennsylvania (Dr J Bavaria), Philadelphia, USA (Aortic Surgery) (2012)
47 scientific publications and book chapters
32 scientific presentations in international and national meetings

Other Interests

Surgery of the Thoracic Aorta
Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery
Medical Statistics