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AATS 101st Annual Meeting Program Highlights

AATS has led the way, being recognized as the first cardiothoracic surgical organization to offer a virtual platform, attracting more than 10,000 viewers. This year, the virtual AATS 101st Annual Meeting features top speakers and presentations, gives younger professionals the opportunity to learn from experts, and provides international professionals the opportunity to learn from others around the world. Mark your calendar for the following featured presentations.

Saturday, May 1

Guest Lecturer: A Conversation with Condoleezza Rice, 66th Secretary of State

"The theme of the 101st AATS Annual Meeting is Diversity Without Exclusion in a Culture of Safety. As such, I was eager to invite an individual who epitomized these ideals as my honored guest. I consider Condoleezza Rice to be one of the most intelligent, thoughtful, and revered leaders of my generation. I am thrilled that she will be joining us this year to share her thoughts on how we can continue to advance not only cardiothoracic surgery but all of society in the coming years."

– Marc R. Moon, AATS President

Sunday, May 2

Sugarbaker Lecture Presented by William G. Kaelin, Jr.

Dr. Kaelin is currently the Sidney Farber Professor of Medicine in the Department of Medicine at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School. A Nobel laureate, Dr. Kaelin received the 2019 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. He has received numerous other awards including the MSKCC Paul Marks Prize, the AACR Richard and Hinda Rosenthal Prize, a Doris Duke Distinguished Clinical Scientist Award, the Canada International Gairdner International Award, the ASCI Stanley J. Korsmeyer Award, the Scientific Grand Prix of the Foundation Lefoulon-Delalande and the Institute of France, the Albert Lasker Prize, the Helis Award, and the Massry Prize.

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