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In Global News: Roadside Thoracotomy, Recalled Atrioseptostomy Catheters, and Lung Cancer in Nonsmokers

Friday, May 3, 2019

Submitted by



Claire Vernon

Patient Care and General Interest

A roadside thoracotomy was performed in the UK to control severe bleeding for a man who was stabbed, and the procedure was captured on video.

The 30-day public comment period for the US national coverage decision for transcatheter aortic valve replacement has closed, and this brief Cardiovascular Business article summarizes the public response.

Public health officials in the UK call for greater awareness of lung cancer in individuals who have never smoked tobacco.

Several health associations have voiced support for the Tobacco to 21 Act, legislation that was introduced in the US Congress that would raise the minimum federal age to purchase tobacco products.


Drugs and Devices

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has categorized a recall of Miller Balloon and Fogartey Dilation Atrioseptostomy Catheters, issued in March by Edwards Lifesciences, as a Class I recall.

An active fixation lead for quadripolar cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillators and pacemakers, the Attain Stability Quad left heart lead from Medtronic, is approved by the US FDA.


Research, Trials, and Funding

Lung cancer presents differently in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, say researchers in New York City, New York, USA.

Researchers in London, UK, report that the addition of an informational video to a brochure on lung cancer screening improved patients’ understanding and reduced conflicted feelings about whether to undergo the screening.

A study in piglets found that adding hydrogen to ventilation gasses during and after arrested blood flow improved neuroprotection, and the researchers from Boston, Massachusetts, USA, are now aiming to translate these results to people.

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