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Last Name Middle First Name City State/Provincesort descending Country
Fukahara Kazuaki Toyama Japan
Hanna Samy Vienna Austria
Stassano Paolo Caserta Italy
Ruusalepp Arno Tartu Estonia
Metras R. Dominique Marseille Cedex 05 France
Pilato Michele Palermo Italy
Moosdorf Rainer Marburg Germany
Stoneburner M. John Torrance United States
Wells Charles Francis Cambridge United Kingdom
Hughes Frederick Clifford Sydney NSW Australia
Makos George Athens Greece
Eisenmann Bernard STRASBOURG France
Battellini Rafael Roberto Buenos Aires Argentina
Panos Aristotelis Athens-Geneva Switzerland
Morin Jean-Francois Montreal, PQ Canada
Chiu Quevedo F. Jorge Guatemala City Guatemala
Raffaelli Alfred Hector Buenos Aires Argentina
Agarwal Rajat Kota India
Yamamura Mitsuhiro Nishinomiya, Hyogo Japan
Kotsis N. Vassilios Marousi Greece
Bonatti Johannes Pittsburgh United States
CIKIRIKCIOGLU Mustafa Geneva 14 Switzerland
Mehlhorn Uwe Karlsruhe Germany
Iñiguez-Garcia Antonio Marco Ciudad de México Mexico
Bohmann Katja Krefeld Germany
Bonaros Nikolaos Innsbruck Austria
Mueller Michel Xavier Luzern 16 Switzerland
Netisanov Sergey Chelyabinsk United States
Kim Kyung Hwan Seoul South Korea
Dimeling Mcclellan George Lexington United States
Kolvekar Krishna Shyam London United Kingdom
Guzman Enrique Mexico, DF Mexico
Congregado Miguel Mairena del Aljarafe Spain
Weder Walter Zurich Switzerland
Venugopal Sridhar Madurai India
Tasdemir Oguz Ankara Turkey
Cremer Thomas Joachim Kiel Germany
Movsesian Ruben Moscow United States
Mokracek Ales Ceske Budejovice Czech Republic
Santini Francesco Genova Italy
Jeong Dong-Seop Seoul South Korea
Sharma Kumar Pramod New Delhi India
Josa Miguel Barcelona Spain
Sihoe D. L. Alan Hong Kong Hong Kong S.A.R., China
Pretorius Johann Bloemfontein South Africa
Nölke Lars Dublin Ireland
Sintek F. Colleen St James Barbados
Mostafa A. Ezzeldin Cairo Egypt
Al-Dossari A. Ghannam Alkhobar Saudi Arabia
Sardari Nia Peyman Maastricht Netherlands
