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Last Name Middle First Name City State/Provincesort descending Country
Schmid Alexander Ralph Berne Switzerland
Rajaii-Khorasani Ahmad Mashhad Iran
Gomes N. Mario Leca Da Palmeira Portugal
Deiraniya Kheiro Abdulilah Altrincham United Kingdom
Soyer M. Robert Rouen France
Flores G. Mona Oregon United States
Smith A. Julian Clayton, Vic Australia
Deac F.P. Radu Targu-Mures Romania
Borrego Rafael Mexico City Mexico
Chen Yu Beijing China
Bertolotti Mario Alejandro Palermo Italy
Caicedo Victor Bogota Colombia
Tesler Filippo Ugo Milano Italy
Chiesa Giuseppe Bergamo Italy
Chanda Kumar Prasanta Dhaka Bangladesh
Ruan Xin Min Guangzhou China
Kucukaksu Deniz Suha Istanbul Turkey
Follis M. Fabrizio Palermo Italy
Bakhtiary Farhad Bonn Germany
Higami Tetsuya Sapporo City, Hokkaido Japan
Bhandari Krishna Kathmandu Nepal
End Adelheid Vienna Austria
Haitao Ma Suzhou China
Angelillo-Mackinlay Tomas Capital Federal Argentina
Sousa Uva Miguel Lisbon Portugal
Alfieri R. Ottavio Milan Italy
Rukosujew Andreas Muenster Germany
Kashima Ichiro Meguro, Tokyo Japan
Ofoegbu Reginald Ogu Benin City Nigeria
Dhoble Murlidhar Shirish INDORE India
Uva Sousa Miguel Lisbon Portugal
Watanabe Yasunori Ibaraki Japan
Zikri A. Magued Cairo Egypt
Waterbolk W. Tjalling Groningen Netherlands
Munoz-Guijosa Christian Madrid Spain
Terra Mingarini Ricardo Sao Paulo Brazil
Lopez Palacio Ricardo Bogota Colombia
Prapas N. Sotirios Athens Greece
Pinho Braga Paulo Porto Portugal
Guy T. Sloane Gainesville United States
Brunelli Alessandro Leeds United Kingdom
Furuse Akira Tokyo Japan
Menasche Philippe Paris France
Bauer Friedrich Stefan Lahr Germany
Llorens Leon Rafael S. Cruz de Tenerife Spain
Madonna Francesco Pessac France
Parikshak Manesh Carmel United States
Kokotsakis N. John Athens Greece
Bloch Claude Gerard Neuilly, Cedex France
Liendo G. Ricardo Cardoba Argentina
