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Last Name Middle First Name City State/Provincesort descending Country
Yas Rasheed Subhi Madrid Spain
Assar Omid Tehran Iran
Srisomboon Chaisit Khon Kaen Thailand
Bobylev O. Dmitry Hannover Germany
DePan J. Harry Latham United States
Pryshchepau A. Maksim Vantoux France
Siebenmann Peter Robert Zurich Switzerland
Lukach Pavlo Kyiv Ukraine
Al Delamie Yas Taha Muscat Oman
Mroczek Tomasz Krakow Poland
Congiu Stefano Leeds United Kingdom
Hayashi Yoshitaka Matsuyama City, Ehime Japan
Chang Byung-Chul Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do South Korea
Ikai Akio Shizuoka Japan
Lerut E.M.R. Antoon Leuven Belgium
Bajona Pietro Pittsburgh United States
Hirotani Takashi Tokyo Japan
Cadavid-Alvear Alberto Eduardo Cali Colombia
Straka Zbynek Prague Czech Republic
Makhachev Osman Moscow United States
Luehr Maximilian Cologne Germany
Grimm Michael Innsbruck Austria
Siordia E. Rodolfo Guadalajara Mexico
Okada Yukikatsu Kobe Japan
Gavra Gheorghe Mulhouse France
Bruschi Giuseppe Milano Italy
Cruz-Sanchez Alonso Hernan Mayaguez Puerto Rico
Kourtesis N. Antonios Piraeus-Athens Greece
Kim Min Ho Chonju South Korea
Mercado Garcia Arturo Leon, Guanajuato Mexico
Nazer Abdul Yoosuph Pattom PQ, Trivandrum, Kerala India
Hanna Samy Vienna Austria
Kucuker Aslihan Ankara Turkey
Messmer J. Bruno Aachen Germany
Misumi Takahiko Hiratsuka/Kanagawa Japan
Stojanovic C. Ivan Belgrade Serbia
Moersig A. Wolfgang Basel Switzerland
Stoneburner M. John Torrance United States
Hamilton Leslie Newcastle Upon Tyne United Kingdom
Sidhu Singh Pushpinder Belfast United Kingdom
Wang Yong Gong Wuxi China
Mochtar Baheramsjah Maastricht Netherlands
Kaynak Kamil M. Istanbul Turkey
Edwards G. Mark Perth Australia
Liakopoulos J. Oliver Bad Nauheim Germany
shah sachin san francisco United States
Naficy Seph . United States
Parvizi Rezayat Tabriz Iran
Palacios-Macedo Alexis Litchfield Mexico
Fernandez Aramburu Dardo Martinez Argentina
