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Last Name Middle First Name City State/Provincesort descending Country
McGregor G.A. Christopher London United Kingdom
Polesel Elvio Venezia, Mestre Italy
Ginel Antonino Barcelona Spain
Cherian Mammen Kotturathu Chennai India
Kovacs S. Gabor Szeged Hungary
Rivas-Plata J. Alfonso Lima Peru
Quezada Guillermo Monterry Mexico
Rajaii-Khorasani Ahmad Mashhad Iran
Haalebos M.P. Max Schoten Belgium
Lee Jeong Ryul Seoul South Korea
Cherian M. Sanjay Geneva Switzerland
Chaudhuri Krish Auckland New Zealand
Kalavrouziotis N. Georgios Paleo Faliro Greece
Silva Abelardo Arturo Temuco Chile
Ris Hans-Beat Lausanne Switzerland
Castaneda R. Aldo Guatemala Guatemala
Saute Milton Ramat Gan Israel
Etz D. Christian Leipzig Germany
Dasmahapatra Kumar Himansu Calcutta India
Jatene B. Fabio S Brazil
Chandrasekaran Venkatachalam London United Kingdom
Zellos Lambros Athens Greece
Sakata Ryuzo Kyoto Japan
Sakamoto Yoshimasa Tokyo Japan
Sakamoto Kisaburo Shizuoka city Japan
Gonzalez-Cerna Luis Juan Mexico DF Mexico
Wyler von Ballmoos C. Moritz Fort Worth United States
Jougon B. Jacques Pessac France
Wiebe Karsten Regensburg Germany
Goel Pankaj Amritsar India
Mazzaro Enzo Udine Italy
Banfi Carlo Geneva Switzerland
ISBIR Selim Istanbul Turkey
Di Luozzo Gabriele New York United States
Trevino-Gonzalez Martin Monterrey Mexico
Batirel F. Hasan Istanbul Turkey
Demyanchuk B Vitaly Kyiv Ukraine
Koudieh S. Mohammed Ottawa Canada
Hsu Cliff Chung-Ping Hualien Taiwan
Aberg J. Torkel H. Uppsala Sweden
Fiane E. Arnt Oslo Norway
Al-Halees Y. Zohair Riyadh Saudi Arabia
Rayidi Maruthi Varaprasad Vijayawada, AndhraPradesh India
Manche Alexander Gwardamangia Malta
Ofoegbu Reginald Ogu Benin City Nigeria
Vasquez Jimenez Xicotencatl Mexicali Mexico
Bassino Maurizo Lima Peru
Tedoriya Takeo Ageo Saitama Japan
Keogh E. Bruce Birmingham United Kingdom
van Doorn A. Catharina Leeds United Kingdom
