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Last Name Middle First Name City State/Provincesort descending Country
Stanger Olaf London United Kingdom
Yousefnia Ali Mohammad Tehran Iran
Proto Victor San Miguel de Tucum Argentina
McGregor G.A. Christopher London United Kingdom
Ginel Antonino Barcelona Spain
Kim Yong Jin Seoul South Korea
Petrucci, M.D., Ph.D. Orlando Campinas - SP Brazil
Aronis Maria Athens Greece
Chan Kok Meng John Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Schmid Alexander Ralph Berne Switzerland
Rajaii-Khorasani Ahmad Mashhad Iran
Narin Cuneyt Izmir Turkey
Sie T. Hauw Hattem Netherlands
Gyhra S. Alberto Concepcion Chile
Chaudhuri Krish Auckland New Zealand
Aramendi Ignacio Jose Barakaldo. Bizkaia Spain
Silva Abelardo Arturo Temuco Chile
Deeb E. Maher Jerusalem Israel
Alsmady Mousa Moaath Amman Jordan
Castaneda R. Aldo Guatemala Guatemala
Saute Milton Ramat Gan Israel
Roth Matthias Bad Nauheim Germany
Etz D. Christian Leipzig Germany
Jatene B. Fabio S Brazil
Goldstraw Peter London United Kingdom
Zellos Lambros Athens Greece
Sakata Ryuzo Kyoto Japan
Hetzer Roland Berlin Germany
Sakamoto Yoshimasa Tokyo Japan
Sakamoto Kisaburo Shizuoka city Japan
Knight L. John Bedford Park Australia
Wyler von Ballmoos C. Moritz Fort Worth United States
Mazzaro Enzo Udine Italy
ISBIR Selim Istanbul Turkey
Trevino-Gonzalez Martin Monterrey Mexico
Di Luozzo Gabriele New York United States
Demyanchuk B Vitaly Kyiv Ukraine
Hsu Cliff Chung-Ping Hualien Taiwan
Rayidi Maruthi Varaprasad Vijayawada, AndhraPradesh India
Alexi-Meskishvili Vladimir Berlin Germany
Kashima Ichiro Meguro, Tokyo Japan
Ofoegbu Reginald Ogu Benin City Nigeria
Vasquez Jimenez Xicotencatl Mexicali Mexico
Shafei El Hussein Aberdeen United Kingdom
Zikri A. Magued Cairo Egypt
Tatoulis James Parkville Australia
Oshima Hideki Nagoya Japan
Götte M. Julia Stuttgart Germany
Smith A. Julian Clayton, Vic Australia
Flores G. Mona Oregon United States
