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Last Name Middle First Name Citysort descending State/Province Country
Saunders C. Paul Brooklyn New York United States
McMahon John Brooklyn New York United States
Cane E. Michael Browns Mills New Jersey United States
McGrath Lynn Bernar Browns Mills New Jersey United States
Chavez Manuel Carlos Brownsville Texas United States
Schepens A.A.M. Marc Brugge Belgium
Rubay Etienne Jean Brussel Belgium
Wellens Francis Brussels Belgium
Antoine Martine Bruxelles Belgium
Smith Houston Charles Bryan Texas United States
Napoli J. Peter Bryan Texas United States
Kirby M. James Bryan Texas United States
Walker James Michael Bryn Mawr Pennsylvania United States
Anderson B. Mark Bryn Mawr Pennsylvania United States
Ross Patrick Bryn Mawr Pennsylvania United States
Giraldo Vallejo Andres Fabian Bucaramanga Colombia
Bobocea Andrei Cristian Bucharest Romania
Popa Raluca-Dana Bucharest Romania
Muresian Horia Bucharest Romania
Tomcsanyi Istvan Budapest Hungary
Devoto Martin Buenos Aires Argentina
Mancini B. Blas Buenos Aires Argentina
Battellini Rafael Roberto Buenos Aires Argentina
Raffaelli Alfred Hector Buenos Aires Argentina
Navia O. Daniel Buenos Aires Argentina
Vaccarino Nuncio Guillermo Buenos Aires Argentina
Navia A. Jose Buenos Aires Argentina
Machain Hector Alejandro Buenos Aires Argentina
Saad N. Eduardo Buenos Aires Argentina
Domenech Alberto Buenos Aires Argentina
Yendamuri S. Sai Buffalo United States
Demmy L. Todd Buffalo New York United States
Mouhlas L. Angela Buffalo New York United States
Perry Yaron Buffalo New York United States
Ashraf Hashmat Mohammad Buffalo New York United States
Nwogu Chumy Buffalo New York United States
Picone L. Anthony Buffalo New York United States
Bhayana N. Joginder Buffalo New York United States
Hennon W. Mark Buffalo New York United States
Grosner Gary Buffalo New York United States
Takita Hiroshi Buffalo New York United States
Bell-Thomson John Buffalo New York United States
Dexter U. Elisabeth Buffalo New York United States
Downing William Stephen Buffalo New York United States
Jain Harsh Buffalo New York United States
Levinsky Leon Buffalo New York United States
Aldridge D. Janerio Buffalo New York United States
Huang Miriam Buffalo New York United States
Schaerf Harris Mac Raymond Burbank California United States
Wood K. Michael Burlingame California United States
