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Prof. ord. dir. Pierpaolo Maietta

Prof. ord. dir. Pierpaolo Maietta, M.D., Ph.D. Consultant staff surgeon

Second University of Naples
via G. Battista 34
Avellino  83100
+390825682506-3 day priv consult
3802433364-3 day private consult (alternative), pierpaolo maietta, pierpaolo maietta, mediastinite, cranio, collo, torace, addome, pelvi femminile, scheletro, pelvi maschie, apparato urinario, occhio, paracentesi, toracentesi, ARTROCENTESI, ROBOT DA VINCI, cardiac surgery, farmaci antiaritmici, farmaci adrenergici, farmaci antineoplastici, pericardiocentesi, circolazione extracorporea, bypass aortocoronarico, intubazione orotracheale, drenaggio toracico, coronarografia, angioplastica, rianimazione cardiopolmonare, dilatazione aorta ascendente, rottura corde tendinee valvola mitralica, stenosi aortica, vertigini, trapianto di cuore, insufficienza mitralica, stenosi mitralica, insufficienza aortica, tracheotomia, resezioni polmonari, cancro apparato genitale femminile, ministernotomia valvola aortica, valvole aortiche, elettocardiogramma, diagnostica cardiologica, esami del sangue, chirurgia generale, farmaci antianginosi, farmaci antiinfartuali, bullectomia, resezioni polmonari, farmaci anticoagulanri, antibiotici, versamenti pleurici, fibrillazione atriale, pediatria, neurologia, ortopedia, pneumologia, medicina generale, malattie infettive, antipsicotici, ansiolitici, amare i figli, trauma cranico, amare i genitori, melanoma, ferite, vaccini, malattie genetiche rare, colica renale, appendice, mestruazioni, gravidanza, mammella, genetica, immunoterapia, anestesia in ps, stent cardiaci, rivascolarizzione miocardica, valvole cardiache, sostituzione valvole cardiache, epatopatie, milza, stomaco, colon, prostata, gastroscopia, colonscopia, broncoscopia, trapianti, trauma, suture, ferri chirurgici, farmaci per intubazione rapid, digossina, emogasanalisi, radioterapia, tipo di valvule cardiache, demenza, elettrocardiogramma, ecocardiogramma, holter pressorio, holter ecg, miocardio scintigrafia, ecodoppler, ecoaddome, BYPASS ARTOCORNARICO
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic



- nato in irpinia Avellino città della Campania e parte dell' irpinia (400.000 abitanti) famosa per terremoto dell' 80 e per aver dato i natali a tanti personaggi nazionali e internazionali.
-asilo Perna (5anni)
-1.scuola elementare perna avellino con massimo dei voti(5 years italian,maths,drawing,science,gymnastic,hystory,geografy)
-2.scuola media leonardo da vinci avellino con massimo dei voti (3 years italian,maths,drawing,science,phisicsgymnastic,hystory,geografy)
-3.Liceo Classico P. Colletta Avellino (B.S. 1989-1993)con votazione 53/60 ( 5 years,
italian,maths,drawing,science,phisicsgymnastic,hystory,geografy,philosophy,latin, greek)
-4.vincitore concorso numero chiuso scuola di medicina a a napoli 1994 (150/10000)
-5.exam taken:
- physiology,
,-biology,genetics and istology,
-normal anatomy (internship in neurosurgery.Prof. de deivitiis)
-general pathology,
- haematology,
-immunitary system
-chemical medecine,
- biochemical, -
-pathological anatomy, -
- laboratory medecine,
-cardiology an cardiac surgery: studied on timothy j gardner, Thomas l- spray
-semeiotics,:segni e sintomi studied on scott kahan, ellen smith
-internal medecine,-
diagnostic imaging,
-pediatrics, -
-LEGAL, medeceine
LABOR MEDICINE AND HEALTH ORGANIZATION ,--------oncology surgery: studied on nicola basso, francesco basile
,- head,neck,
-heart and lung,adbominal ,
arterial e veins
,muscoloskeletal disease,
eye disease,
-Otolaringo disease,-
-maxillo disease, -
-dental disease
-pneumology and thiracic surgery studied on thoracic surgery:pearson,cooper,delaudiers,ginsberg,hiebert,patterson,urschel
-medical degree 1993-2001 with the addition of over written and oral 100 exams with vote 110/110 tutored student with prof. M.L. Santangelo prof. Ruggeri Prof. Spampinato Prof. Gagliardi prof. Pastorino Prof. Cotrufo M., Prof C. Vosa. Prof. Caputi, Prof. Zannini P. Prof. Erino rendina prof. Sganga prof. gotti. Prof. Giampaglia Prof. Covino Prof.venuta Prof. Nosotti prof. Rocco G. Prof.sant'ambrogio prof. rickler prof. bovolato. Prof. Ugo pastorino Prof.Elia prof.lequaglie prof.parmeggiani prof Matteo vasta prof.corcione Prof S, margharitora, prof. Crucitti. Prof.molino, prof. Vennarecci Prof. Torre massimo Prof. Giulio melloni prof. Enrico Ruffini Prof rinaldi prof. Chiarugi prof Oliaro prof.palladini,prof rosati,ProF. GF. Coloni,Prof. buonanno
-7.worked and cared for patients from all over the world
- internship post lauream general medicine,pediatrica,pathology,surgery,obstretician, emergenza, rianimazione for 6 months
- 8.winner of a limited number competition at a graduate school in Naples for one place
-9.worked at university of naples Federico 2 as university Hospital which treats an area of ​​patients with over 5 million people with techang also from greece
-10.Internship in Neurosurgery at (1999-2001) partecipation to neurosurgical disease room operating with Prof. Cavallo (basik SKull, nevralgia trigeminal, epilepsy, bon tumors, meningiomas...2000 cases)
-11.Medical. Degree with thesis on cerebellopontine angle University of Naples Federico II (2001) with prof. De Divitiis and prof. Cappabianca
-12.Residency and Consult in resuscitation room and Thoracic Surgery and general and vascular department 2001-october 2006/ University of Naples Federico II with prof. Ferrante, Prof Sartori (Padova), Prof. Rea;Prof. gotti, Prof. Massimo Martelli and Prof. Mario Santangelo prof. Bracale Porcellini Prof. Cecere Prof. Renda prof. Griffo prof. fraioli prof formicola dr. affabile with Prof. walter Serno consultant emodinamic cardialogy Prof. Guggino and Prof. Mario sorice till today Consultant thoracic surgeon at Cardarelli Hospital Naples during five years lessons to the students adn national and international congresses and operating activity thoracic surgery pure (lung,brest,linfonodes,thymus,skin,colecitis,liver,colon),on organs removal and implantation activities (Kidney,heart,liver, lung) with thesis pulmonary resection and off pump coronary heart disease and general surgery with vote 70/70. over 2000 procedure
-13.attendance I.NaTional Cancere Pascale hospital 6 months Hospital national cancer institute naples which treats an area of ​​patients with over 5 million people
13. attendance for 6 months Cotugno hospital
-14.attendace for 6 months hospital CTO hospital naples.
-14.partecipation to national and international congress
-15.teaching medecine and surgery in all type elementary, middle and high schools and social center in Avellino and Mercogliano city in campania, South Italy
-16.allergologist 3000 case till yesterday
-17.consultation in private clinics in avellino and province of naples and caserta benevento Avellino caserta, south italy till yesterday which treats an area of ​​over 700,000 patients till now
-18.endocrinologist (thiroyd, surennal disease, ipophisis) 400 cases till yesterday
-19.gastroenterologist (liver,stomach,colon, pancreas diasease ,colecistis) 400 cases till yesterday
-20.ematologist (anemic diseaease,transfusion, iper white disease) 400 cases till yesterday
-21.infettivologist (covid, EBV, tetanus,influency,exantematic disease, sexual infection, renal disease) 400 cases till yesterday
-22.anestesiologist 11200 cases (local anestesia till yesterday
-23.infettivologic 400 cases till yesterday
-24.nefrologist 400(renal stones,pielonefrity, electorlite disease)cases till yesterday
-25.neurologist and psychiatric 1300 cases till yesterday
-26.cardiologist 3000 cases till yesterday
-27.pneumologist 3000 cases till yesterday
-28.tossicologist 4000 cases till yesterday
-29.reumatologist 4000 cases till yesterday
-30.intensivist 4000 cases till yesterday
-31.allergologist 3000 cases till yesterday
-31. traumatotogic cases 50000 till yesterday
-32.technical committee court office avellino
-33.Univ. of Pavia fellowship (2002) with Prof. M. Vigano cardiac surgery
- 34.practioner and researcher and staff surgeon at Royal Brompton Hospital London UK (2003,2004,2005) with Prof. P. Goldstraw thorax surgeon and Prof. Massimo Griselli cardiac congenital surgeon and Cardiac children surgeon and Hospital Santobono Naples (ITALY) partecipation to lung and heart surgery adult and children which treats an area of ​​over 50,000,000 patients proceeds from all over the world til now
-35.staff surgeon A.O.R.N. moscati emergercy surgery Prof. Aldo D'adrea Cardiac and emergency consultant, Prof Paolo Ferrara consultant cardiac surgeon and Prof. Picardi general surgen and Prof. Romano Dr. Abbenante anesthetist 2003-2005 parteciapation to thorax and abdomen surgery which treats an area of ​​over 400,000 patients till now
-36.practioner at Broward General Hospital USA, Fortlaudardale (2004) with dr. Chisner dr. Gill cardiac consultant surgeon and consultin emergency medecine- emergency room which treats an area of ​​over 500,000 patients till now
-37.thoracic staff urgeon at A.O.R.N.Monaldi, Napoli (2003,2004,2005) thoracic pure surgery with Prof. Massimo,Prof. de matteis,prof.di fraia,Prof Maiorino, prof Valente prof. Curcio ProF. calabro, Prof Stanco,Prof Rosato partecipation to 3100 intervention on left lungs an right lung and mediastinum speaker to national and international congress-2006-2009 which takes care of an area of ​​patients over 5.000.000 persons till yesterday
-38.staff surgeon A.O.R.N. Cardarelli, Napoli (2004-2005) Prof. Consultant Giampaglia thorax and general surgeon partecipaation to lung resection which treats an area of ​​over 500,000 patients till yesterday
-39 I.E.O. (2005) Prof. L. Spaggiari consultant thorax and general surgeon, AORN partecipation to lung resection which treats an area of ​​patients over 1,000,000 till yesterday
-40.Moscati Prof. Romano Consultant Emergency surgeon(2007) partecipation to abdominal emergency surgery over 400 interventions which treats an area of ​​over 100,000 patients till yesterday
Uniwien Prof Tagavi/Ph.D. Medical Biotec/Univ.Siena/lung european transplant programm
-41.winner of one place on a limited number of competitions for a PhD position in thoracic oncology
-42.Ph.D Oncologia Toracica (2006-2009) during 6 months lessons to the students and practioners and nurses at the end thesis on lung transplant which takes care of an area of ​​patients over 3.000.000 till yesterday opertengin over 3000 cases lung cancer right lung left lung
-43.attendance at maternity ward and neonatology during births of my two children 2009-2013 which treats an area of ​​patients over 400,000 till yesterday
-44.2009-staff surgeon till tomorrow Prof. Caracciolo General surgery AORN Moscati AV moscati avellino partecipation on abdomaninal operation speker to national and international congresses over 3100 intervetion che prende in cura un comprensorio di malati sopra 400000 till yesterday
-45.2013 -staff surgeon general surgeons prof. biondo prof.iannace prof.crafa prof. damiano prof,basagni prof.rispo dr.triumbari partecipation on abdominal and heart surgery 5100 intervention which treats an area of ​​over 400,000 patients till yesterday
-46.2015-till today-staff surgeon EMERGENCY MEDECINE AND SURGERY Aorn Moscati and santissima annunziata Taranto and orthopedics working durig two years of covid 19 period-dr. Raimo dr. ,MAffei,Dr. mario balzanelli,dr.ssa bellavita,dr.schiavone, dott.ssa raucci, dr. gargiulo, dr.bracciano, dr. libetta, dott.ssa cappabianca, dr. santoro, dr.sandulli, dr alberigo, dr. esposito, dr. la mamma speaker to national and international congresses which treats an area of ​​over 700,000 patients till now
partecipationa sa 1° 2°3° operator in 18200 intervention on head,thorax,abdomen,pelvic,thyroid disease and orthophedics disease
-cardiac surgery 2022:1000 cases
-47.Visiting 10052000 patients till today with disease to the head,neck,thorax abdomen, moscokletral disease, pelvic disease.
49. Cardiac surgery: dr.fittipaldi dr.mollo,dr Santaniello,flora numis,Colucci. collegue till tomorrrow at avellino hospital:
-consultant orthophedics: dr.medici
-consultan nefrologist: dr.biagio di iorio
-consultant pneumologist:dr. antonio iannaccone
-consultant cardiac surgeon: dr.brenno fiorani
-consultant cardiology: dr.di lorenzo
consultant vascular surgery: dr.loris flora
-consultan ematologist: dr antonio maria rositano
-consultant neursurgery: dr. rapana
-consultant neurologist: dr. spitalieri
-consultant oncology: Dr. Gridelli
consultant pediatric: antonio vitale
consultant orl: dr malafronte
consultant stroke unit: dr d'onofrio
consultantgeneral surgery: dr.landolfi
consultant emergency surgery dr. iovine
consultant gastroenterology: dr.giardullo
consultant urologist:dr. imperatore
consultant deromosurgery: dr.valentina puca
consultant infettivologist: dr. leone
consultant endocrinologist:dr. botta
consultant radiotherapist: dr. massimo elmo
consultant anatomopathologist: dr.giovanni de chiara
consultant pacemeker control: dr. rotondi
consultan vascular surgeon cardarelli hospital: dr. ruotolo
Consultant thoracic surgeon Pascale: Prof. Mercadante
Consultant thoracic surgeon ospedale del mare: prof.luigi cagini
Consultan genetic: cecilia rosania
Consultant gynecologist:struzziero
Consultant geriatric:Dott. Cesare Albino Emilio Landi
consultant cardiac caserta: dott. Andrea Montalto
consultant vascular caserta:prof. Eugenio Martelli
consultant utic caserta:Prof. Paolo Calabrò
consultant cardiologic:dott. Rocco Perrotta
consultant general surgery: Dott. Lorenzo Capasso

Other Interests

-1.My family, My Wife archeologist,phd archeology science, My Sons (tommaso middle school e riccardo elementary school)
-2.My mother italian historical teacher and Father medical doctor in neurologist an psychiatrist and psycologist and in-laws parents uncle and aunts and cousins
-3. My Brother architect PhD in architettura science
-3.flexible broncoscopy in the icu,GERD over 2000 cases till yestreday
-4.approach to the patients with multiple nodules, metastasys over 800 cases till yesterday
-5.Lung and pleural biopsy VATS, surgery for emphysema over 800 cases till yesterday
-6.Chest trauma rib fracture over 800 cases till yesterday
-7.VATS,Pleural drainage, over 500 cases till yesterday
-approach to heart,head, neck,abdomen disease over 10300 cases till yesterday
-8.lung cancer: VATS staging and multimodality approach till yesterday antineoplastic drugs and radiotherapy over 1200 cases
-9.Lung procedure:open lobectomy/ pneumonectomy/metastasectomy/segmentectomy/spirometry FEV1>2 l allow al type on both lung resection over 400 cases till yesterday
-10.VATS Bullous disease, spontaneous pneumothorax and traumatic pneumorax over 500 cases till yesterday
-11.VATS, mediastinotomy,lung transplantation over 400 cases till yesterday
-12.VATS talc pleurodesis,pleural malignant effusions over 600 cases till yesterday
-13.General surgery -colecistectomy-emicolectomy-total colectomy-obesity surgery-sleeve gastrectomy, abdominal hernias over 1500 cases till yesterday

-14.internal medecine over 102300 cases (liver,lungo,kidney,Heart,respiratori,intestinal,pancreatica,electrolite,endocrinal,allergica disease) till yesterday
-15.Emergency medicine and surgery: prof crafa basagni damiano 800 interventions till yedsterday doctor over 850 cases (physical examination, vitale sign PA,Sat,FC) forever 500 euro per person
-17.Radiologic iter (x-ray,ecografy,TC Scan,RM,Pet Scan, scintigrafic Scan,mammograpghy,miocardial scintigraphy,coronorography) over 100400 till yesterday
-18.ECG spirometry saturimeter service at home or in my private office 800 euro per person over 100400
-19.drug somministration for head,neck,abdome,kidney,muscoloskeletal disease oral Intra muscolare endovenous over 10400 cases
-20.trauma head,neck,torax,locomotor system,muscles,abdomen over 10400 cases till yesterday
-21.approach to heart disease, intestinal disease,locomotor system over 10400 cases till yesterday
-22.psychiatric disease -laboratory exam interpretation over 10400 cases till yesterday
-23.geriatric disease over 10400 cases till yesterday
-24.gynecologistic disease 1200 till yesterday
-25.medication over 100300 cases till yesterday
-26.neurologic diseaseover 3000 cases till yesterday
-27.pscycological disorders 800 till yesterday
-28.stiches on head, neck, thorax, adomnen, muscoloskeletal organ over 100200 cases till yesterday
-29.staplers for thorax and abdomen over 7000 cases till yesterday
-30.worked on ambulance 118 system for two years(control vitale sign sommistration primary help surgical and pharmacological drugh for head, thorax ,abdomen, neck, pelvic, musckoloskeletal disease OVER 40000 CASES) till Yesterday


- aperto 24h al giorno su consulenza privata in 3 gg

-495 menzione su

Craniotomia,cervicotomia,sternotomia,laparorotomiamediana sottocostale laparoscopia toracoscopia radiochirurgia in anestesia generale

Programma per diabetici seguiti per 6 mesi

Diete per obesi seguiti per 6 mesi



medico di pronto soccorso


resezione a losanga di tumori cutanei



medico legale

sport basket calcio pallavolo tennis bici moto racer

cucina: colazione, pranzo, cena

pittura,architettura, viaggi,mostre , moto, auto

rianimazione cardiopolmonare adulta e pediatrica






patologo clinico e biochimico

oncologo medico

medico dello sport

medico internista

medico di comunita e prime cure




-toracentesi, paracentesi,pericardiocentesi (casi terminali)

-piccole escrescenze in anestesia locale

-edizione di casi medici 10 al giorno:testa,torace,pelle,addome,malattia pelvica,malattia muscolo-scheletrica,malattia facciale,otolaringo diseae

Additional Educational Information

- essere in cima alla terra

- ad oggi 320 citazioni su academia .edu

mia madre italiana e insegnante di storia e cucina

mio padre medico, neurologo e spespalista psichichiatra e psicologo

Mio fratello architetto e dottore di ricerca in architettura 

pratica in chirurgia generale medicina d'urgenza i

nterna chirurgia medicina di famiglia approccio alla terapia cardiaca e gastromalattia


 malattie neurologiche

 malattie anatomopatologiche suture suture su tutto il corpo approccio generale alle malattie ginecologiche e urologiche

 obesità dieta

 medicina legale e di assicurazione malattia dei vasi

chirurgia plastica nei traumi laparoscopia ricostruzione con percorsi diframmatica cardiaca malattie diabetiche



Practice Areas

  • Cardiac
  • Congenital
  • Critical Care
  • Thoracic
  • Vascular
  • Approaches/Techniques
  • Minimally Invasive
  • Transcatheter
  • Robotic
  • VATS
  • Cardiac
  • Coronary disease
  • Electrophysiology/arrhythmia
  • Endocarditis
  • Extracorporeal circulation
  • Heart failure
  • Mechanical circulatory assistance
  • Pericardium
  • Valve disease
  • Aortic valve disease
  • Mitral valve disease
  • Tricuspid valve disease
  • Pulmonary valve disease
  • Thoracic
  • Chest wall
  • Diaphragm
  • Lung
  • Esophagus
  • Mediastinum
  • Pleura
  • Trachea and bronchi
  • Trauma
  • Reconstruction
  • Benign disease
  • Cancer
  • Congenital thoracic
  • Infection
  • Congenital
  • Single ventricle and palliative procedures
  • Left heart lesions
  • Aortic valve disease (congenital)
  • Mitral valve disease (congenital)
  • Right heart lesion
  • Tricuspid valve disease (congenital)
  • Pulmonary valve disease (congenital)
  • Septal defects
  • ASD
  • VSD
  • TOF
  • DORV
  • Transposition of the great arteries
  • Aortic arch anomalies
  • Pulmonary and systemic venous anomalies
  • Mechanical support and transplantation
  • Miscellaneous congenital procedures
  • Adult congenital procedures
  • Transplant
  • Organ preservation
  • Heart Transplant
  • Lung Transplant
  • Heart/lung Transplant
  • Vascular
  • Great vessels
  • Aorta
  • Endovascular
  • Critical Care
  • General
  • Anesthesia
  • Education
  • History
  • Professional Affairs
  • Ethics
  • Medical technology
  • Recollections and Tributes
  • Basic science