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Toronto Anesthesia Symposium

Saturday, April 8, 2017 to Sunday, April 9, 2017


MaRS Discovery District-
101 College Street
Toronto, ON

The theme for the 2017 Toronto Anesthesia Symposium is “Recent Advances and Challenges in Airway Management” Difficult airway management continues to evolve with development of new equipment, algorithms, drugs, and adaptation of new concepts. Some highlight topics of this symposium include:

  • Full paralysis-can’t intubate: Sugammadex the answer?
  • Apneic Oxygen: why are we not using it?
  • CICO- are you ready for “Surgical” airway
  • How do we use ultrasound in airway management?
  • Challenging airways in OB, trauma and pediatrics
  • Morbid obesity/OSA airway management

There will be lectures and interactive PBLDs and workshops given by international guest faculties and University of Toronto faculties.

CME is Available