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Alejandro Bertolotti
Alejandro Mario Bertolotti, M.D.

Ospedale Civico Palermo
Via del Quarnaro
Palermo 90144
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic
Staff Surgeon, General Thoracic Surgery, Ospedale Civico Palermo, (Italy)
Ex Director, Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Department, Favaloro Foundation (Argentina)
Ex Director, Transplant Department, Favaloro Foundation (Argentina)
Ex Director, Heart and Lung Transplantation Service, Favaloro Foundation (Argentina)
Other Interests
Cardiovascular Surgery
General Thoracic Surgery, VATS, Lung Cancer
Heart and Lung Transplantation / Organ preservation
Practice Areas
- Cardiac
- Thoracic
- Coronary disease
- Heart failure
- Mechanical circulatory assistance
- Pericardium
- Aortic valve disease
- Lung
- Trachea and bronchi
- Cancer
- Transplant
- Organ preservation
- Heart Transplant
- Lung Transplant
- Heart/lung Transplant
- Education