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Ajit Damle
Ajit Damle
B.J. Medical College, Pune, India 1972
Surgical residency, UK
FRCS(Gen Surg)Edin 1979
CV and T residency, Edmonton, Canada1983-85
FRCSC Canada 1985
Senior Clinical Fellow, Toronto Gen Hosp 1986-87
Private Thoracic/vascular Practice, Edmonton, Alta Canada 87-89
CV and T practice 1989-2010 Fargo ND
Physician Expert, EHR, 2011-2012
Affiliate Associate Prof of Surgery
Morsani School of Medicine
University of South Florida, Tampa FL
Physician Reviewer, Tampa General Hospital
Tampa FL 2013-16
Other Interests
New and Emerging Medical Technology
Computers in Medicine
Cardiovascular Medicine
surgery without blood transfusions
Practice Areas
- Cardiac
- Thoracic
- Vascular