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Donald Crescenzo
Donald G. Crescenzo, M.D., M.B.A
Cardiothoracic Surgeons for Northwest Ohio
2109 Hughes DriveConrad Jobst Tower #720
Toledo, OH 43606
United States
1 419 291-2077
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic
Loyola College, Baltimore MD (B.S. 1982)
Georgetown University School of Medicine (M.D. 1988)
University of Toledo (M.B.A. 2003)
Georgetown Univ. General Surgery Residency (1988-1989)
National Academy of Science Research Fellow (1990 - 92)
Georgetown Univ. General Surgery Residency (1992 - 95)
Mayo Clinic Cardiothoracic Residency (1995 - 1998)
Other Interests
Pacermaker and AICD Laser Lead extraction
Stentless Aortic Valve Implantation
Aortic Endovascular Surgery
Mitral Valve Repair
Mimimally Invasive Mitral Valve Surgery
Practice Areas
- Thoracic
- Cardiac