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David Latter

David Arthur Latter, M.D., Division Head Cardiac Surgery

St. Michael's Hospital, University of Toronto
30 Bond Street, Suite 4114F
Toronto, ON  M5B 1W8
1 416 864-5366
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic


Queen's University (B.A. 1978)
McGill University (M.D., C.M. 1982)
McGill University Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Residency (1987-1989)
Stanford University Transplant Fellowship (1989-1990)
Royal Victoria Hospital Attending Cardiac Surgeon (1991-1996)
McGill University Assistant Professor (1991-1996)
St. Michael's Hospital Attending Cardiac Surgeon (1996-present)
University of Toronto Associate Professor (1996-2015)
Chairman, Cardiac Surgery Examination Board, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (2000)
Program Director, Cardiac Surgery Residency Program, University of Toronto (2003-2008)
Vice Chair Education, Department of Surgery, University of Toronto (2008-present)
Division Head of Cardiac Surgery, St Michael's Hospital (2011 to present)
Director of MD Admissions and Student Finances, University of Toronto (2016-present)

Practice Areas

  • Cardiac