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Douglas McConnell
Douglas Hunter McConnell, M.D.
Stanford University - Honors in Molecular Biology 1967
UCLA Medical School (M.D. 1971)
Longmire Surgical Award UCLA 1971
UCLA General Surgical Residency 1971 - 1979
UCLA Fellowship Cardiac Physiology 1973-1975
UCLA Cardipthoracic Residency 1975-1977
U.S. Army Surgeon Lieut. Colonel attached 101st Airborne
Chief of Staff Long Beach Memorial Medical Center 2006-2008
Director of Cardiac Surgery Shasta Regional Medical Center Redding, CA
Other Interests
Coronary artery surgery
Cardiac valve surgery
Thoracic Pulmonary Surgery
Physiologic Support of Cardiac Impaired Pregnancy
Aviation - Pilot
Practice Areas
- Thoracic
- Cardiac