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Frank "Rue" TAMRU

Member STS International Relations Committee (1997-2002)
Founded Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals (1993)
Co-Founded Pacific Biomedical Enterprises 1st Asian Heart Valve Manufacturer in Singapore (1985)
New York City Marathon (1979) - 4 Hours & 35 mins
Big Brothers of America (1974-76) / BOD New Jersey Branch (2015-18)
U.S. Army Infantry 1st Lieutenant, Republic of Korea (1967-68)
Rutgers University, NJ (B.A. 1966)
Other Interests
Episodes of "Power, a Memoir" are at: The story covers 0ver 30 years in the cardiac device industry in America, Asia-Pacific & Europe. Beginning in the mid-70s in New York, I moved from a taxi driver to a Shiley heart valve sales rep to a valve manufacturer in Asia; I called on the surgical, business, and government powerbrokers as heart surgery in the region grew exponentially. Based in Sydney, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Brussels, Hawaii, and finally, Singapore for 15 years, I enjoyed a spellbinding life that lead to the launch in 1993 of the Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals, Asia's first indexed, cardiovascular-focused Scientific journal. A legacy I'm proud to own.
Click below for full interview with Dr. Denton A. Cooley.
Additional Educational Information
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ - BA 1966