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Haider Ghaidan
Haider Ghaidan, M.D. Ph D.

- Basrah University, Medical School (M.B.Ch.B.1995) - Iraq
- SCCS,Baghdad, Cardiothoracic residency 1997-1998
- Derna Hospital- Libya (Resident in general surgery ) 1999-2000
- NHC - Libya (Resident in Cardiothoracic surgery ) 2003-2007
- Lund University Hospital / Sweden 2008
- Dept of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Karlskrona Hospital / Sweden 2010-
- Board-certified specialist in Cardiothoracic surgery in Sweden 2014.
- Consultant cardiothoracic surgeon, Thoraxcentrum Karlskrona 2015
- Consultant thoracic surgeon, Cardiothoracic clinic Lund University hospital 2017
- PhD student in faculty of medicine / Lund university. Sweden 2017
- PhD degree from Lund University - Sweden March 2023
Other Interests
VATS surgery
Lung transplantation
Ex vivo lung perfusion research
Maze IV operation
Valvular Heart Surgery
Pacemaker,ICD implantation
Practice Areas
- Cardiac
- Thoracic
- Minimally Invasive
- Lung
- Mediastinum
- Pleura
- Cancer
- Lung Transplant