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Jack Love
Jack W. Love, M.D., D.Phil
CardioMend LLC
785 Carosam Road
Santa Barbara, CA 93110
United States
1 805 569-1454
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic
Oxford University (D.Phil. 1956)
Yale University School of Medicine (M.D. 1958)
Instructor in physiology, Yale (1958-1959)
Washington Univ. Gen. Surg. Residency (1959-1961)
Washington Univ. Thorac. & CV Surg. Residency (1961-1963)
Walter Reed Gen. Hosp. Gen. Surg. Residency (1963-1965)
Associate Professor of Surgery Johns Hopkins (1967-1970)
Other Interests
Biomedical research and development
Autologous tissue heart valves
Practice Areas
- Thoracic
- Cardiac