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Dr Kamales Kumar Saha

Dr Kamales Kumar Saha, MCh

Private practice multiple hospitals in Mumbai India
Roma C 1203 Fiorenza Cooperative Society, Near Hub Mall
WE Highway Goregaon east
Mumbai  400063
091-9977345555 (alternative)
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic


Senior Resident :AIIMS, Delhi, Indis 1992-1995
Senior Registrar :Apollo Delhi, India 1996-1998
Senoior Registrar :Christchurch, NewZealand 1998-2000
Advance Cardiac Surgery Fellow, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, 2000-2002
Senior Consultant,: Apollo Hospital, India 2003-2005
Senior Consultant : Asian Heart Institute, Mumbai,India 2005-2006
Senior Consultant, Choithram Hospital Indore 2007-2010
Senior Consultant attached to Major Private Hospitals in Mumbai 2011 onwards

Other Interests

Total Arterial Off-pump CABG
Redo Off-pump CABG