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Miguel Josa

Miguel Josa, M.D.

Hospital Cinic
Villarroel 170
Barcelona  E-08036
34 3 200-2328
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic


Barcelona University Medical School (1962-1968)
Mayo Clinic General Surgery Residency. (1972-1977)
Mayo Clinic Thoracic Surgery Residency. (19978-1980)
Staff Thoracic Surgeon. West Roxbury VA . (1980-1987)
Junior Surgeon Associate. Brigham and Women H. (1980-87)
Instructor in Surgery. Harvard Med School. (1980-1984)
Assistant Professor of Surgery. Harvard Med. Sch. (1985-86)
Section Chief. Cardiovasc. Surg. Hosp. Clinic Barcelona (1981-)