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Michio Kawasuji
Michio Kawasuji, M.D., Ph.D.
Kanazawa University School of Med. (M.D. 1974)
Kanazawa University Graduate School of Med. (Ph.D. 1978)
Kanazawa University Hospital, surgery residency (1978-1979)
Hannover Medical School, cardiac surgery residency (1980-1981)
Kanazawa University Hospital (1982-2000)
Kumamoto University Hospital, Professor of Cardiovascular Surgery (2001-2015)
Prof. of Surgery, Kumamoto Univ. School of Med. (2001-2002)
Prof. of Surgery, Kumamoto Univ. Graduate School of Med. (2003-2015)
Prof. Emiritus, Kumamoto University (2015-)
Ishikawa Prefectural Central Hospital (2015-)
Other Interests
Cardiac surgery
Coronary bypass surgery
Regenerative medicine
Additional Educational Information
Practice Areas
- Cardiac