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Manoj Purohit
Manoj Purohit

Blackpool Victoria Hospital, UK
Whinney Heys Road
Blackpool FY3 8HR
United Kingdom
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic
SMS Medical College,Jaipur (M.B.B.S,1991)
SMS Medical College,Jaipur {M.S.(Gen.Sur),1994}
Christian Medical College,Vellore {Mch(CT Surgery)1997}
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh(MRCS,2004)
Intercollegiate Surgical Speciality Board UK {FRCS(CT Surgery)2010}
Practice Areas
- Thoracic
- Thoracic
- Lung
- Mediastinum
- Pleura
- Benign disease
- Cancer
- Congenital thoracic
- Professional Affairs