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Omer Isik
Omer Isik, M.D., Professor
Ankara Ataturk High School (1973)
Hacettepe Univ.School of Medicine (M.D. 1981)
Kosuyolu Heart & Research Hospital ,Cardiovascular Surgery Dept.(Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgeon,1
Associate Prof.of Cardiovascular Surgery (1991)
Chief of Cardiovascular Surgery Dept. Kosuyolu Heart & Research Hospital (1992-1997)
Staff Surgeon, International Hospital (1989-1996)
Director, Cardiovascular Surgery Dept.,Suleyman Demirel Univ.,School of Medicine,Isparta (1997-1999)
Dean, Maltepe Univ.,School of Medicine,Istanbul (1999-2001)
Director, Cardiovascular Surgery Dept.,Acibadem Bakirkoy Hospital,Istanbul (2001-2002)
Vice Dean, Yeditepe Univ.School of Medicine,Istanbul (2002- )
Other Interests
full arterial revascularization
aortic valve repair
CABG on the beating heart
mitral valve repair techniques
Aortic surgery
Practice Areas
- Vascular
- Congenital
- Cardiac