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Steve Bibevski
Steve Bibevski, M.D / Ph.D.

Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital
1150 N. 35th Avenue / Suite 575 /
1005 Joe DiMaggio Drive
1005 Joe DiMaggio Drive
Hollywood, FL 33021
United States
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic
La Trobe University [Australia] (B.S-Hons.1995)
Case Western Reserve University (Ph.D 2000)
Case Western Reserve University (M.D. 2004)
University Hospitals of Cleveland-General Surgery Residency (2004-2009)
University of Michigan-Adult Cardiothoracic Surgery (2009-2011)
University of Michigan-Congenital Fellowship (2011-2012)
Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne-Visiting Congenital Fellow (2012)
Other Interests
Autonomic Neural Control of the Cardiovascular System
Cardiovascular Physiology
Repair of Complex Congenital Heart Disease
Practice Areas
- Congenital
- Mechanical circulatory assistance
- Basic science
- Valve disease
- Transplant
- Electrophysiology/arrhythmia
- Heart failure
- Congenital
- Single ventricle and palliative procedures