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Uday Dandekar
Uday Prabhakar Dandekar, MCh, FRCS, CTh

M.S, General Surgery,Lokmanya Tilak Medical College.India
M.Ch,Cardiothoracics,Miraj Medical College,India
D.N.B, Diplomate National Boards in Cardiothoracics,India
FRCS,Royal College of Surgeons,Edinburgh.
FRCS,Royal College of Surgeons,Glasgow.
FRCS(CTh)Royal College of Surgeons,Edinburgh
Senior Registrar and Lecturer Cardithoracics,Miraj Medical College,India 94-97
Clinical fellow cardiac Surgery,Cleveland Clinic USA,97-98
Specialist Registar Cadiothoracics West Midlands,UK,98-2001
Consultant Cardiac Surgeon University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire 2010- present
Other Interests
Charitable cardiac surgery (Cardiostart)
Aortic Valve surgery
Off pump revascularisation
Minimally invasive cardiac surgery
Practice Areas
- Cardiac