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Vasyl Lazoryshynets

Vasyl V. Lazoryshynets, Ph.D., Professor

Ministry of Health of Ukraine
Hrushevsky Street, 7
Kyiv  01021
+380 44 5017801
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic


Kyiv State Medical Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine (M.D., 1980)
Residency, Abdominal Surgery 1986
Fellowship, Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery, Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery, Kyiv (1987-1989)
International Fellowship - German Heart Center, Munchen, Germany (1993, 1997)
International Fellowship - The University of Tennessee, Memphis, USA (1995)
International Fellowship - Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital, London, Great Britain 1998, 2002
International Fellowship - George Pompidou Hospital, Paris, France (2000)
Chief, Pediatric Cardiac Surgery - Amosov National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery
First Deputy Minister of Health of Ukraine