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Surgical Management and Outcomes of Ebstein Anomaly in Neonates and Infants: A Society of Thoracic Surgeons Congenital Heart Surgery Database Analysis

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

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Source Name: The Annals of Thoracic Surgery


Kimberly A. Holst, Joseph A. Dearani, Sameh M. Said, Ryan R. Davies, Christian Pizarro, Christopher Knott-Craig, T.K. Susheel Kumar, Vaughn A. Starnes, S. Ram Kumar, Sara K. Pasquali, Dylan P. Thibault, James M. Meza, Kevin D. Hill, Karen Chiswell, Jeffrey P. Jacobs, Marshall L. Jacobs

This STS Database review included 255 neonates and 239 infants with Ebstein anomaly (EA). For neonates, repair was performed in 40%, shunt in 20%, and tricuspid valve closure in 9%; operative mortality was 27%. For infants, superior cavopulmonary anastomosis was performed in 38% and repair in 16%. Operative mortality was 9%. Optimal approach and timing for repair remain elusive.

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