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CTSNet Launches Innovation Award Video Competition

CTSNet is excited to announce its first annual Innovation Award video competition. The competition is open to all cardiothoracic surgery team members and researchers. Video submissions should demonstrate innovative solutions to current cardiothoracic surgical challenges, which may include instruments, techniques, approaches, or management protocols. Qualifying videos will be published on CTSNet, given an Altmetric tracking badge, and featured in an edition of Pulse, the CTSNet weekly e-newsletter. The winning video’s innovators will be awarded a $1000 prize and the winning video will be prominently recognized on CTSNet.

Videos will be judged on:

  1. prevalence and/or severity of the challenge(s) they address,
  2. originality and inventiveness of the solution,
  3. practicality and ease of implementation,
  4. benefit to patient care, and
  5. quality of the video and associated submission.

Submitted videos must address an existing gap in current cardiothoracic surgical approaches with solutions that are demonstrated in video format. Submissions should address both the problem as well as an innovative surgical solution. Videos may or may not demonstrate a clinical case; surgical solutions at preclinical and therapeutic stages of development will also be considered. Required: entries must demonstrate an innovative solution that adheres to all established guidelines for patient safety.

The maximum length of an eligible video is 10 minutes, and all entries must comply with the CTSNet submission guidelines and the Terms and Conditions for CTSNet Content Submission. Applicants should use the CTSNet Content Submission Form to enter videos into the competition, checking the “Innovation Award” box on the form to ensure that the submission is considered for competition purposes.

The deadline for submissions is September 15, 2019.