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CTSNet Launches New Open Posting Area

CTSNet is excited to announce the launch of the CTSNet “Open Area.” The Open Area is a space where registered CTSNet users can post content to immediately, without prior editorial review.

In the Open Area, registered CTSNet users can post text, images, and videos hosted on their personal YouTube channels. All content relevant to the cardiothoracic surgical specialty is welcome, although, of course, CTSNet reserves the right to remove content that is deemed inappropriate and/or is overly promotional of a particular product. The copyright for any material posted in the Open Area is transferred to CTSNet.

The Open Area is an excellent venue for sharing surgical experiences, tips, and techniques with the worldwide CTSNet community. At the discretion of the CTSNet editorial team, exceptional Open Area clinical content may be promoted on the CTSNet homepage and transferred to other prominent areas of the site; and/or referenced in Pulse and/or Spotlights, the CTSNet eNewsletters. Posting content to the Open Area is incredibly easy. After logging in, all one needs to do is complete a simple webform to have content posted in just a few minutes. Users can select subspecialty and taxonomy terms for their content to further connect a post with the rich archive of educational materials available on CTSNet.

Please click here to add content to the CTSNet Open Area.