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The HVS Annual Meeting 2020 Streamed Live on Feb. 15

Find it here: The Heart Valve Society Annual Meeting 2020 live from Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Saturday, February 15

Plenary Session I: Masters of Valvular Heart Disease (9:00 am - 11:00 am Gulf Standard Time)

  • How I Witnessed the Evolution of Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement (9:00-9:15 am)
  • How I Witnessed the Evolution of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Treatment (9:15-9:30 am)
  • Case Presentation of Aortic Stenosis - SAVR vs TAVR (9:30-9:40 am)
  • Discussion (9:40-9:45 am)
  • How I Witnessed the Evolution of Surgical and Transcatheter Mitral Valve Treatment: A Surgeon's Perspective (9:45-10:00 am)
  • How I Witnessed the Evolution in Imaging of the Valves Case Based Examples (10:15-10:30 am)