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STS 53rd Annual Meeting Continues

STS President Joseph E. Bavaria, MD

The STS 53rd Annual Meeting will continue today with the discussion of this year’s top submitted abstracts and Joseph E. Bavaria’s Presidential Address on “Quality and Innovation in Cardiothoracic Surgery: Colliding Imperatives?” Later in the day, attendees will choose from more than 20 educational sessions.

Whether you are with the STS in Houston or couldn’t make this year’s Annual Meeting, you can peruse the Monday edition of the STS Meeting Bulletin, now available online. The Society’s official meeting newspaper covers highlights such as:

  • A recap of STS/AATS Tech-Con 2017;
  • Preview of the J. Maxwell Chamberlain and Richard E. Clark Memorial Papers, which will be presented this morning;
  • Highlights of exciting educational programs, including joint sessions with the American College of Cardiology and Society for Vascular Surgery;
  • And much more!

STS members: You are invited to attend the Annual Membership (Business) Meeting tonight at 5:30 p.m. CT in Room 310ABC of the George R. Brown Convention Center.

There’s still time to register for STS University courses! Registration is available online or in the Room 360 Lobby of the convention center.

Attendees receive STS Annual Meeting Online for free, while those not attending the meeting can purchase the product at 50% off post-meeting pricing until Wednesday, January 25.