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Thoracic Portal


In this video, the authors demonstrate three techniques for chest wall reconstruction with neoribs.
June 15, 2008
Various diathermy techniques have been proposed to reduce intraoperative blood loss in surgery. In particular, standard bipolar technology is able to coagulate small vessels, with a diameter ranging from 1 mm to 3 mm, but it has some disadvantages, including sticking, charring, and significant thermal spread [1,2].
April 8, 2008
April 8, 2008
Obstruction of the central airways may develop in 30-40% of all patients with lung cancer and is being increasingly diagnosed in patients with benign disorders such as post intubation tracheal stenosis and connective tissue diseases.
April 8, 2008
Radio frequency ablation (RFA) of lung tumors is a relatively new procedure allowing local treatment with minimal parenchymal damage. In fact, this technique is able to induce coagulative necrosis in a limited pulmonary area.
April 8, 2008
Tissue sealing remains a requirement for advanced general thoracic procedures with the aims of improving hemostasis, diminishing lymphatic fluid production, and prevention of postoperative air leaks.  Different products have become available in recent years that include commercial biological glues, autologous glues made on-site, and biological fibrin-based products.
April 8, 2008
Pulmonary nodules and masses are common reasons for referring patients to the pulmonologist, radiologist, and thoracic surgeon for evaluation. The burgeoning use of chest computed tomography for screening, to rule out pulmonary embolism, and for other indications may lead to a significant increase in patients with newly discovered lesions.
April 8, 2008
The impetus for intrabronchial treatment of emphysema came from the experiences with lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS).
April 8, 2008
The desire for an objective method to record, quantify, and store lung sound information was the impetus for development of the field of computer-assisted mapping of lung sounds. Techniques are constantly evolving, with many different types of sensors, sensor coupling methods, and digital signal processing techniques in existence.
April 7, 2008
Approaches to lung resection for early stage cancer.
