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Alexandros Sidiropoulos
Alexandros Sidiropoulos, M.D.
University of WWU-Muenster Germany, Medical Studies 1984-1990
University of Muenster Germany,1992: Medical Degree- (Promotion)
Residency: University Clinic of THG-Surgery in Muenster Germany 1991-1993
Residency: University Clinic CHARITE-Berlin, Dept. of Cardiac Surgery, Germany 1994-1996
1997:German Boards of Cardiac Surgery
1997-2001: Staff Surgeon University Clinic CHARITE, Berlin, Dept. of Cardiac Surgery
1998-2000 Ltd. Oberarzt (Assistant Surgical Director) Univ. Clinic CHARITE, Berlin
1999-2001: Univ. Clinic CHARITE-Berlin: Director of the Department of VAD-Implantation
2001: Greek Boards of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
2002-2009: Cardiovascular Surgeon, Henry dunant Hospital Athens, Athens Medical Center, Athens, Gree
Since 2010: Oberarzt (Staff Surgeon) Univ. Clinic Bochum (Bergmannsheil)
Other Interests
Minimally Invasive Vein Harvesting for CABG
Mitral valve repair
Redo-Cardiac Surgery
Endoventricular Patch plasty (Dor-Operation) for Ventricular Aneurysms
Surgical Treatment of Terminal Heart Failure
Pediatric and Adult LVAD-Implantation
Off Pump (Aorto)Coronary Bypass Surgery, arterial grafts
Minimal Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MIDCAB-LAST Proc., MID-AVR)
Stentless valves implantation, Biological valves implantation
Minimally Invasive Aortic valve Replacement
Practice Areas
- Congenital
- Cardiac