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Gary Kopf

Gary S. Kopf, M.D.

Yale University School of Mecicine, Department of Surgery
333 Cedar Street, Room 121FMB, PO Box 208039
New Haven, CT  06520-8039
United States
1 203 785-6258
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic


Columbia College (B.S. 1966)
Harvard Medical School (M.D., cum laude, 1970)
Intern Roosevelt Hospital NY, NY 70-71
Nat Institute of Health 1971-73
General Surgery Res- PBBH Boston, 1973-77
Cardiac Surg Residency-PBBH & Boston Childrens, 1977-80
Prof Surg Yale Univ School of Medicine
Chief, Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Yale 1981-present

Other Interests

Adult Congenital Heart Surgery
Aquired Heart Surgery
Congenital Heart Surgery