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Guido Michielon

Guido Michielon, MD

Director of Congenital Heart Surgery and Heart Centre, Gaslini Children's Hospital, Genova, Italy
Via G.Gaslini 5
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic


Director of Congenital Heart Surgery and Heart Centre, Gaslini Children's Hospital, Genova, Italy, 2023-current
Clinical Lead Congenital Heart Surgery Royal Brompton Hospital, London, U.K. 2019-2022
Consultant Neonatal and Paediatric Cardiac Surgery, Royal Brompton Hospital, London UK, 2015-2022
Pediatric and Adult-Congenital Cardiac Surgeon, UMCG Groningen, NL 2012-2014
Pediatric and Adult-Congenital Cardiac Surgeon, OPBG, Rome, Italy 2001 - 2011
Adult and adult-congenital cardiac surgeon 1994-2001

Other Interests

neonatal repair of CHD
valve repair
aortic root reconstruction
OHT for failing single ventricles
assist devices

Additional Educational Information

Chief Resident in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, CHOP, 1994
Senior Resident in Pediatric Cardiac Surg, Boston Ch H, 1993
Fellow in Cardiothoracic Surgery, Un UTAH Med Sch, 1992-1993
Fellow in Cardiac Surgery, Mayo Clinic Rochester MN, 1991-1992
Fellow in CV surgery, Texas Heart Institute, 1990-1991

Specialty in CV surgery, Un Padua Med Sch, Italy 1992
MD degree at Un Padua Med Sch, Italy, 1987

Practice Areas

  • Congenital