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Ghandhiraj Somasundram
Ghandhiraj Somasundram, MBBS, FRCS, CST Cardiothoracic Surgery ( U.K )
Mysore University ( MBBS, 1981)
Royal College of Surgeons of Glasgow ( FRCS, 1986 )
Cardiovascular Surgical Residency,University of Vienna,(1991-1992)
Diploma in Cardiovascular Surgery University of Vienna (1992)
U.K.Cardiothoracic Residency ( 1992 -1993 )
Completion of Specialist Training (CST) Cardiothoracaic Surgery
Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon National Heart Institute, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (1994 -1996)
Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon, Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (1996 - 1998)
Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle Upon Tyne,U.K. (1999)
Cardiothoracic Surgeon,Royal Infirmary,North Staffordshire,U.K. (2000)
Head of Department and Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon,Gleneagles Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur 2001 - current )
Clinical Director of Heart and Lung Centre Prince Court Medical Centre (2007 - 2011)
Senior Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon, Prince Court Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur ( 2011 - current )
Medical Director of MAA Medicare cardiac Diagnostic Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ( Current )
Chairman, Advisory Committee, Board of Governors MAA Medicare Heart Charity Fund, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ( Current )
Other Interests
left ventricular restorative surgery for heart failure
coronary artery bypass surgery
surgery for ascending and descending aortic aneurysms
surgery for post myocardial infarction VSDs
surgery for mediastinal tumours
mitral valve repairs
lung surgery for infective diseases
lung resections for cancer
surgical pulmonary thromboembolectomy
golf and gym workouts
Practice Areas
- Cardiac
- Thoracic
- Cardiac
- Coronary disease
- Electrophysiology/arrhythmia
- Endocarditis
- Heart failure
- Pericardium
- Valve disease
- Tricuspid valve disease
- Thoracic
- Chest wall
- Diaphragm
- Lung
- Mediastinum
- Pleura
- Trachea and bronchi
- Cancer
- Great vessels
- Aorta
- Critical Care
- Education
- Professional Affairs
- Ethics
- Medical technology