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Jesse Julian
Jesse S.{Steve} Julian, M.D.
CV Surgical Associates, P.A.
Carrollton, VA 21801
United States
1 757-818-1557
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic
Virginia Tech {B.S. Biology 1978}
Medical College of Virginia {M.D. 1982}
Wake Forest University General Surgery {1982-1987}
Wake Forest University Cardiothoracic Surgery{1987-1990}
WFU -Instructor CT Surg. {1990-1991}
CV Surgical Associates {1991-present}
Chief Division Thoracic Surgery--PRMC {1998-2000}
Vice-President Medical Staff --PRMC
Other Interests
Surgical Critical Care
Practice Areas
- Vascular
- Thoracic
- Cardiac