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Professor Mark Da Costa
Professor Mark Lionel Athaide Da Costa, MCh, FRCSI, FRCS(Glasg),FRCS(Eng), Consultant and Lead Surgeon
Administration Block 2C
Assistant Professor of Surgery, NUS (1998-2004)
Associate Professor of Surgery (with Tenure) (2004-2006)
Consultant Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgeon, NUH (2002-2005)
Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon, GUH, Galway, Ireland (2006-)
Lead Surgeon, Dept Cardiothoracic Surgery, GUH, Galway, Ireland (2006-)
Clinical Lecturer in Surgery, NUIG, Galway, Ireland (2007-2012)
Hon Senior Lecturer in Surgery, NUIG, Galway, Ireland (2012-)
Hon Personal Professor of Surgery, NUIG, Galway, Ireland (2017-)
Other Interests
MIS Aortic valve surgery
Minimally Invasive Lung Cancer surgery
Heart failure surgery
Aortic Surgery and Endovascular/Hybrid Surgery
Additional Educational Information
MCh thesis research fellowship/lecturer in surgery RCSI (1994-1996)
Pre-Fellowship Surgical Training (Dublin, Ireland, 1992-1994)
Cardiothoracic Fellowship, University of Chicago (1999-2001)
RCSI [MB, BCh, BAO(Hons) 1990]
Advanced Surgical Training (AST) Singapore 1998-2001
Dublin Cardiothoracic Training Scheme (1996-1997)
Practice Areas
- Cardiac
- Thoracic
- Vascular
- Cancer
- Cardiac
- Endocarditis
- Endovascular
- Great vessels
- Lung
- Medical technology
- Thoracic
- Professional Affairs