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Mayank Patel
Mayank R Patel, M.D.
University of South Carolina Aiken (B.S. Chemistry 1994)
Medical College of Georgia (M.D. 1998)
Carilion Health UVA afiiliated General Surgery Residency (1998-2003)
Special Post Graduate Fellow UAB Division or Cardiovascular Surgery (7/2003-12/2003)
UAB Cardiothoracic Surgery Residency (1/04-12/05)
Instructor Division of Cardiovascular Surgery UAB (12/05-11/06)
Attending Surgeon Cardio Thoracic Surgery Associates, P.C. (12/06-12/07)
University of Fl Postdoctorate Complex Adult Cardiac and Aortic Surgery (07/08-/07/09)
St. Louis VAMC attending cardiac surgeon and Surgical intensivist
Other Interests
Aortic Surgery
Cardiothoracic Surgical Critical Care
Adult Cardiac Surgery
Practice Areas
- Cardiac
- Thoracic