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Sadeesh Srinathan
Sadeesh Kumar Srinathan, M.D.

University of Manitoba Health Sciences Centre
GE-611Health Sciences Centre, 820 Sherbrook St.
Winnipeg, MB R3A 1R9
1 204 787-3791
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic
McMaster University (B.Art.Sci 1988)
McMaster University (MD)
McGill University General Surgery Residency (1991-1997)
Washington University Research Fellow (1993-1995)
West Midlands UK, Specialist Registrar Cardiothoracic Surgery (2000-2006)
University of Manitoba, Fellow (2006-2007)
McMaster University -Health Research Methodology (MSc 2009)
Other Interests
Perioperative Outcomes
Evidence Based Medicine
Clinical Epidemiology
Content Published on CTSNet
Practice Areas
- Thoracic