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Zbynek Straka
Zbynek Straka, M.D., Ph.D.
Charles University Medical School,Prague (M.D.1985)
Resident vascular and transplant surg.- Dpt.of cardiovascular and transpant surg., IKEM,Prague (1985
Resident cardiac surgery - Dpt.of cardiovascular and transplant surg.,IKEM,Prague (1991)
Resident cardiac surgery-Dpt.of cardiac surgery,San Donato,Milano,Italy (1992)
Board in vascular surgery 1993
Board in cardiac surgery 1994
Charles University Medical School,Prague (PhD.1995)
Chief in Cardiac Surgery,University Hospital Kr
Other Interests
Less invasive valve surgery
Beating heart coronary surgery
Hybrid procedure for stand alone AF
Practice Areas
- Cardiac
- Minimally Invasive
- Aortic valve disease
- Mitral valve disease