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Zeljko Sutlic

Zeljko Sutlic, Ph.D.

Clinical Hospital
Vijenac 5b
Zagreb  10000
385 1 2903516
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic


Faculty of Medicine, University of Zagreb (M.D., 1977)
Faculty of Medicine, University of Zagreb (B.S., 1981)
Faculty of Medicine, University of Zagreb (PhD, 1990)
University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Dept of Surgery (General Surgery Residency 1979-83)
Medizinisch Hochschule Hanover (Residency Heart transplatation, 1987-88)
University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Dept of Cardiac Surgery (Cardiac surgeon Residence, 1984-1995)
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas, Ambassador Programme 1985, 1989
University Hospital Dubrava, Dept of Cardiac Surgery (Head of Dept, 1995-till today)
Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, USA, Further education in cardiac surgery (1994-till today)

Other Interests

chronic heart failure
mechanical heart support
heart transplantation
endovascular surgery of the aorta