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2014 AATS Cardiovascular Valve Symposium

The inaugural 2014 AATS Cardiovascular Valve Symposium will bring international leaders in adult, congenital, and adult-congenital heart valve disease, as well as diseases of the ascending aorta, together for three days to discuss the latest information regarding management guidelines, imaging, pathology, minimally invasive approaches, percutaneous approaches, surgical techniques, devices, and long-term results. Faculty presentations of the latest available data, techniques, and state-of-the-art reviews will be supplemented by comprehensive surgical video sessions. In addition, the program will include abstract presentations, selected by the program committee from submitted original work, on a wide range of topics. This innovative program will allow attendees of all levels to advance their knowledge in aortic and ascending aorta, mitral, pulmonary, and tricuspid valve disease across all age spectrums.

  Details, including a preliminary program, faculty and hotel and travel information can be found online at:

Program Directors

David H. Adams
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
New York, New York, USA

Sertac Cicek
Anadolu Medical Center
Istanbul, Turkey

Joseph S. Coselli
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas, USA

Pedro J. del Nido
Children's Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Important Dates

Early Bird Registration Deadline: June 30, 2014
Housing Cancellation Deadline: June 30, 2014
Housing Reservation Deadline: August 4. 2014