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Resident Thoracic Videos


A forty-seven-year-old woman presented multiple times with a reoccurring bronchopleural fistula and post-pneumonectomy multi-drug resistant empyema. In challenging cases like this, a... More
January 28, 2019
The authors describe the surgical resection of a chest wall dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans and reconstruction using deltopectoral fasciocutaneous flaps.
January 21, 2019
The authors present a uniportal VATS anatomic right basal segmentectomy performed for the treatment of a 2.5 cm diffuse ground glass opacity adenocarcinoma in the right basal segments, which was found during chronic asthma follow-up.
January 14, 2019
The authors discuss the safety and advantages of the subxiphoid approach and achieving radical resection of thymoma.
January 8, 2019
In this series of online lectures, the authors cover fundamental concepts and techniques in myocardial perfusion.
December 19, 2018
The authors present a surgical video of a right VATS esophageal diverticulectomy and myotomy, along with advice for carrying out this procedure.
December 12, 2018
The authors discuss the extraction of a rosary bead that was inhaled by a 4-year-old boy using rigid bronchoscopy.
December 10, 2018
This video demonstrates how imaging-assisted surgery can enhance the prospects of robotic pulmonary segmentectomy.
December 3, 2018
This video demonstrates the utility of cadaveric simulation in preparation for a complete portal robotic carinal resection and reconstruction on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.
November 26, 2018
The author demonstrates the use of three-dimensional printing of a complex pulmonary arteriovenous malformation for the precise planning and execution of surgical repair.
November 19, 2018
This video demonstrates the Toronto Lung Transplant Program's technique for donor lung retrieval.
