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Domenico Calcaterra
Domenico Calcaterra, M.D., Ph.D., MBA

University of Rome School of Medicine (1992)
Residency in General Surgery, University of Rome School of Medicine (1997)
Ph.D in Surgery, University of Rome school of Medicine (2000)
Residency in General Surgery , Hospital of Saint Raphael, Yale University, New Haven, CT (2005)
Fellowship in Cardiothoracic Surgery, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine (2007)
Fellowship in Surgery of the Aorta,Texas Heart Institute/Baylor College of Medicine (2007-2008)
Assistant Professor, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine (2008-2012). Director Aortic Surgery Program.
Assistant Professor, Indiana University School of Medicine (2012-2014)
Chief Cardiac Surgery Hennepin Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN (2015-1017)
Minneapolis Heart Institute, Abbott Northwestern Hospital, Minneapolis, MN (2015-2019)
Associate Professor of Surgery University of Minnesota Medical School (2016-2019)
Chief Cardiothoracic Surgery Bethesda Heart Hospital, Boynton Beach FL (2020-)
Associate Professor of Surgery Florida Atlantic University (2020-)
Other Interests
Off-pump coronary artery by-pass surgery. Surgery of the aorta and aortic valve. Minimally invasive valve and by-pass surgery.
ECMO. Endovascular aortic repair. Thoracic Aortic Surgery. Thoracoabdominal aortic replacement. Aortic Dissections.
1. Barillari P, Ricci M, Broglia S, Cerasi A, Calcaterra D, Cioe’ I, Caronna R, Sammartino P “Effectiveness of quarterly assessment of CEA, TPA and GICA serum levels in gastric and colorectal carcinomas: Prospective study of 174 patients undergoing radical surgery.”. Minerva Chir. 1994;49:953-6.
2. P. Barillari, M. Leuzzi, M. Nardi, A. Cerasi, M. Ricci, S. Cesareo, A. Brandimarte, G. Manetti, D. Calcaterra, P. Sammartino “Results of conservative surgery in T1 breast carcinoma. Our experience in 66 treated cases.. Minerva Chir. 1994;49; 1083-8:1994.
3. P. Sammartino, A. Bolognese, P. Chirletti, D. Calcaterra, A. Carloni, D. Biacchi, Va.Stipa e V. Stipa “Video-assisted closed thorax esophagectomy in cancer. A technical proposal.. Minerva Chirurgica. 1997; 52(6):697-704.
4. P. Sammartino, P. Chirletti, A. Bolognese, D. Calcaterra, M. Cardi, R. Caronna and Va. Stipa Video-assisted transhiatal esophagectomy for cancer”. International Surgery 1997; 82:406-410.
5. P. Chirletti, R. Caronna, W. Arcese A. P. Iori, D. Calcaterra, C. Cartoni, P. Sammartino and V. Stipa.”Gastrointestinal emergencies in patients with acute intestinal graft-versus-host disease”. Leukemia and Lymphoma 1998; 29, 129-137.
6. RM Stevens, MB Tehrani , D Calcaterra et al. “Case Report of Cardiac arrest, abdominal compartment syndrome, and thoracic aortic injury with endovascular repair of thoracic aortic tear”. Journal of Cardiac Surgery. 22:358-361, 2007.
7. D. Calcaterra, M. Ricci, TA. Salerno. “A new technique for perfusion of the heart during aortic valvular surgery on beating heart”. J Card Surg. 22:459-464, 2007.
8. D. Calcaterra, TA Salerno. “Venous gaseous embolization during endoscopic vein harvesting for coronary artery revascularization. A life-threatening event”. J Card Surg. 22:498-9, 2007.
9. TA. Salerno, AL. Panos, T. Hong, R. Deslauriers, D. Calcaterra, M. Ricci. “Surgery for cardiac valves and aortic root without cardioplegic arrest (“Beating Heart”): Experience with a new method of myocardial perfusion. J Card Surg 22: 459-64, 2007.
10. Calcaterra D, Garcia L, Panos A, Salerno TA, Ricci M. “Valve-sparing aortic root remodeling with reinforcement of the proximal aortic suture line”. J Card Surg. 2009 Sep-Oct;24(5):539-40.
11. D Calcaterra, Garcia-Covarrubias L, Ricci M, Salerno TA. “Treatment of mediastinitis with wound-vacuum without muscle flaps.” J Card Surg. 2009 Sep-Oct;24(5):512-4.
12. D. Calcaterra, JT. Martin, A. M. Ferneini and RW. De Natale. “Acute Mesenteric and Aortic Thrombosis Associated with antithrombin deficiency: A Rare Occurrence.” Ann Vasc Surg. 2010 Apr; 24(3):415-7.
13. D. Calcaterra, M. Ricci, P. Lombardi, K. Katariya, A. Panos, TA Salerno. “Reduction of postoperative Hypothermia with a new warming device: a prospective randomized trial in off-pump coronary artery surgery.” J Cardiovasc Surg. 2009; 50(6):813-7.
14. D. Calcaterra, K. Karam, J.Badbajanov, J. Davis. “An option for intraoperative placement of IABP in patients with occlusive peripheral vascular disease”. J Thorac Cardio Surg 2011, 141:586-7.
15. D. Calcaterra, K. Ueda, S. Hashimi, T. Brown, D. Calva. Ascending aortic aneurysm and aortic valve replacement in a Jehovah's Witness patient. A case for reinforced reduction aortoplasty." J Card Surg. 2011; 26:315-5.
16. S. Hashimi, M. Bashir, Y. Suzuki, D. Calcaterra. “Anterior chest ecchymosis from complicated descending thoracic aortic aneurysm.”. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2011; 40:28-29.
17. D. Calcaterra, S. Hashimi, TC. Brown, K. Sharma. “Endovascular stent grafting of complicated type-B dissection with approach through the innominate artery using a side branch graft”. Interact Cardiovasc Thoracic Surgery. 2011; 13:205-207.
18. D. Calcaterra, M. Bashir, M. Gailey “Ascending aortic graft thrombosis and diffuse
embolization from early endoluminal aspergillus infection”. Ann Thorac Surg. 2012;94
19. D. Calcaterra. “Importance of blood conservation in cardiac surgery and impact on
patients refusing blood product transfusions”. (Editorial Article) J Blood Disorders Transf
2012; 3:6.
20. D. Calcaterra, K. Karam, Y. Suzuki. “Computed tomography findings in patient with
fungal aortitis: acute aortic syndrome secondary to fusariosis”. Interactive Cardiov
Thorac Surg. 2013:1-2.
21. AY El-Hattab, D. Calcaterra, KR Parekh, NP Rossi, JE Davis, JW Turek.
“Semiautologous repair for congenital discontinuous right pulmonary artery”.Ann Torac
Surg 2013;2230-1.
22. D. Calcaterra, TE Collins, JW Turek, KR Parekh, K. Ueda, S. Hanada, M. Bashir, JA
Brown. “Normothermic cardio-pulmonary by-pass with beating heart for management of
Renal Cell carcinoma with atrial tumor thrombus. Innovations 8:316-319, 2013.
23. D. Calcaterra*, M. Bates, JW Turek, K. Parekh. “Exposure of difficult left hilum in
bilateral sequential lung transplantation”. Ann. Thorac. Surg 2014;98:1493-5.
24. Zhao H, McCready RA, Fan J, Hu P, D Calcaterra, Ma L. “Delayed diagnosis for
tricuspid regurgitation after blunt chest trauma”. Chin Med J. 2014;127:1794-5.
25. Tackett S, Calcaterra D; Magee G; Lattouf, O. “Real-word outcomes of
hemostatic matrices in cardiac surgery”. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2014;28
26. D. Calcaterra, RS. Farivar, K Parekh, M. Bashir, J. Turek. “Technique of aortic
root reconstruction using a new model of Dacron graft with prefabricated
coronary branches. Innovations 2014;9:451-453.
27. J Turek, K. Parekh, M. Bates, M. Bashir, D. Calcaterra. "A Minimally Invasive,
Algorithm-Based Approach for Anomalous Aortic Origin of a Coronary Artery".
Innovations. 2015;10:101-105.
28. Calcaterra D, Parek K. “Exposure of difficult left hilum in bilateral sequential
lung transplantation”. Ann Thorac Surg. 2015 Sep; 1132-3. Editorial reply.
29. Jazayeri MA, Melling, D, Calcaterra D, Shroff GR. “A case of papillary aortic
fibroelastoma: when bad things come in small packages”. Minnesota Medicine
2016: 48-9.
30. Calcaterra D, Renfro LA, Shander A. “Navigating the fine line between the
bad and the worse: The issue is not in the number, and the message is not
“All or Nothing”. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2016; 30(5):1159-62.
31. Shander BA, Aronson S, Boucher B, Calcaterra D, Chu M, Culberston R, Jabr
K, Kehlet H, Latoouf O, Malaisrie C, Mazer D, Oberhoffer. Ozawa S, Price T,
Rosengart T, Spiess B, Turchetti G. “The use of Topical Hemostats in
Cardiothoracic Surgery”. Ann. Thorac Surg 2017;104:353-360.
32. Strauss CE, Tesfaye DK, Brandon RP, Calcaterra D, Manunga J,
Harris K. “Why the Delay? Identification of factors which delay diagnosis of
acute aortic dissections”. Journal of Minneapolis Heart Institute. 2017;1:13-8.
33. Calcaterra D, Jazayeri MA, Turek JW, Parekh KR, Bashir M, Karam K,
Farivar RS. “Aortic Root Reconstruction with a new Dacron graft featuring
Prefabricated coronary side branches”. Aorta, 2017;5:1-10.
34. Makhija D, Rock M, Xiong Y, Epstein JD, Arnold MR, Lattouf OM,
Calcaterra D. “Cost-consequence analysis of different active flowable
hemostatic matrices in cardiac surgical procedures”. J Med Econ. 2017;20:565-73
35. Calcaterra D, Shander A, Renfro LA. “The physiologic principles of
permissive anemia”. J Anesth Crit Care Open Access: 00292.DOI
36. Ulici A, Jancik J, Lam TS, Reidt S, Calcaterra D, Cole J. Clevedipine versus
sodium nitroprusside in aortic acute dissection: a retrospective chart review. Am
J Emerg Med, 2017;35:1514-1518.
37. Calcaterra D, Rosati C, Renfro L, Vardas P. “Surgical, radiologic and pathology
findings of a mixoyd aortic sarcoma. Aorta Journal. 2018;6:65-67
38. Calcaterra D, Shander A, Renfro LA. “The physiologic principles of
permissive anemia”. J Anesth Crit Care Open Access: 00292.DOI
39. Payne RE, Nygaard RM, Fernandez JD, Sahgal P, Richardson CJ, Bashir M, Parekh K,
Suzuki Y, Vardas P, Corvera J, Calcaterra D. “Blunt aortic injuries in the new era: polytrauma risk assessment dictates management strategy. European Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2019 Jun 21. doi: 10.1007/s00068-019-01163-9. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 31227849
40. Calcaterra D, Ricci M, Shander A. “Permissive anemia, when the evil is in the number”.
Editorial Article. Journal of Cardiac Surgery 2019;34:1147-49. Epub 2019 Aug 23
41. Calcaterra D, Heather B, Kohl LP, Erickson HL, Prekker ME. “Bedside veno-venous
ECMO cannulation: a pertinent strategy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of
Cardiac Surgery 2020;35:1180-5
42. Jensen J, Thaler C, Calcaterra D, et al. “Transesophageal Echocardiography to diagnose
Watchman Device Infection. Journal of Echocardiography. Accepted for Publication, Jan.
43. Calcaterra, D. Management of acute cardiac tamponade following a transcatheter
heart intervention. J Card Surg. 2020; 1– 2.
44. Lumbard DC, Lacey AM, Endorf FW, Gayken JR, Fey RM, Schmitz KR, Deisler
RF, Calcaterra D, Prekker M, Nygaard RM.Lumbard DC, et al. Severe
hypothermia and frosbite requiring ECMo and four limb amputation. J Burn Care
Res.2020 Jul 14:iraa113. doi: 10.1093/jbcr/iraa113.
45. Jensen J, Thaler C, Saxena R, Calcaterra D, Sanchez J, Orlandi Q, Harris
KM.Jensen J, et al. Transesophageal echocardiography to diagnose Watchman
device infection. CASE (Phila). 2020 Feb 18;4(3):189-194. doi:
10.1016/ eCollection 2020 Jun.CASE (Phila). 2020. PMID:
46. Calcaterra D, Harris K, Goessl M, Kaur N, Dasari G, et al. “Prosthetic valve endocarditis
in the balloon-Expandable trans-catheter aortic valve. Submitted to Interactive
Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, September 2020.
47. Corwin HL, Shander A, Tibi P, Calcaterra D, et al. “Management of Preoperative Iron
Deficiency Anemia in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery: A Modified RAND Delphi
Study. Submitted for Publication to The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, June 2020.
48. Calcaterra D, Dasari G, Kaur N et al. ‘Open’ BASILICA with direct transcatheter aortic
valve implantation: an Innovative approach to manage the hazard of coronary flow
compromise in transcatheter aortic valve re-interventions. Submitted to European Heart
Journal, October 2020.
49. Calcaterra D, Shrestha L, Harris K, Bashir M, Sharma A, Manunga J, Vigmostad S.
“Computational Fluid Dynamics analysis of hemodynamic stress to guide treatment
strategy in aortic dissections”. Submitted to The European Journal of Cardiothoracic
Surgery, October 2020.
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