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Kirk Kanter

Kirk R. Kanter, M.D.

Emory University School of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
1405 Clifton Road, NE
Atlanta, GA  30322
United States
1 404 785-6330
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Surgeon - Cardiothoracic


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (B.S., 1976)
Albany Medical College (M.D., 1976)
Emory Univ Internal Medicine Internship (1976-77)
Emory Univ Internal Medicine Residency (1977-78)
Johns Hopkins General Surgery (1978-82)
Johns Hopkins Cardiothoracic Surgery (1982-84)
Pediatric Cardiac Fellow, Brompton Hosp (1984)
Pediatric & Transplant Fellow, Harefield Hosp (1985)
Asst Prof, Cardiac Surgery, St. Louis University (1985-87)
Professor of Surgery, Emory Univ School of Medicine (current)

Other Interests

Ross procedure
Norwood procedure
Mechanical circulatory assistance
Heart and lung transplantation
Tracheal surgery in children