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This video demonstrates dissection of the visceral pericardium for ascending aortic and hemiarch replacement.
May 5, 2022
A sixty-three-year-old man recently developed progressive exercise intolerance, lower extremity edema, and orthostatic hypotension. He had a history of syncope secondary to sick-sinus-syndrome status post permanent pacemaker placement in 2001.
May 3, 2022
This video is a "how we do it" style demonstration of how the authors procure hearts from donors after circulatory death using normothermic regional perfusion.
May 2, 2022
A forty-two-year-old patient on hemodialysis required a redo Commando operation for recurrent infectious endocarditis. This video shows the steps the surgeon took to complete the operation.
April 28, 2022
This video describes one of the authors’ initial series of combined mitral and aortic valve surgery and highlights the steps involved for an endoscopic approach.
April 27, 2022
This video shows one surgeon’s technique of an en bloc double root translocation in an infant with d-TGA, VSD, PS, and LVOTO.
April 26, 2022
This video shows how to perform personalized external aortic root wrap (PEARS) in a Marfan’s patient with a family history of type A aortic dissection.
April 21, 2022
This video outlines the evolution of resternotomy from its historical use to the modern, modified version that was adopted in 1999, which uses a transabdominal approach while avoiding resternotomy.
April 20, 2022
Operating on newborns can be stressful and difficult. This clinical video demonstrates the technique of transapical resection of a left ventricular rhabdomyoma in a one-day old neonate.
April 19, 2022
Repair of bridging bronchus and tracheal stenosis, which is often associated with left pulmonary artery sling, ventricular septal defects, and aortic coarctation, can be performed safely in the neonatal age group. This video demonstrates one such case.
April 18, 2022
Surgical procedures on newborns can be challenging. This video shows a case with an arterial switch combined with a Mee procedure for an intramural left main coronary artery as well as a repair of aortic coarctation and arch hypoplasia.
