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Transcatheter Mitral Valve Implantation: Supra-Annular and Subvalvular Fixation Techniques

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

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Source Name: European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery


Klaas Loger, Georg Lutter, Katharina Huenges, Derk Frank, Justus Groß, Jochen Cremer, Tim Attmann, Michael Morlock, Saskia Pokorny

Loger and colleagues implanted transcatheter prostheses in the mitral valve position in 33 pigs. Valve performance and heart function were analyzed for both supra-annular and subvalvular fixation. The supra-annular valve deployment was associated with a low degree of paravalvular leakage and was well-tolerated in the hearts, resulting in excellent three-month outcomes for these animals.

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