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April 12, 2016
This video shows the closure of a ventricular septal defect via a right axillary thoracotomy in a 10-month-old baby girl.
March 7, 2016
This retrospective study of 434 infants and children undergoing TOF repair focused on how methods of handling hypoplastic pulmonary arteries affects long-term outcomes.  The most agressive patching technique resulted in the highest incidence of reintervention, whereas patients who had no intervention for hypoplastic pulmonary arterties had the lowest
February 8, 2016
This video shows a primary inferior cavopulmonary connection with an extracardiac conduit as an alternative treatment for an infant unsuitable for the bidirectional Glenn.
February 4, 2016
This video demonstrates the use of computational fluid dynamics after performing the Rastelli procedure.
February 1, 2016
This video demonstrates a surgical technique for repairing a left pulmonary artery sling.
January 30, 2016
The authors determined the need for transannular patch enlargement (TAPE) in management of ToF by measuring the ratio between pulmonary annulus size to aortic valve annulus size (GA ratio).  A retrospective analysis of 122 pts who had undergone ToF repair with or without TAPE was performed.  GA ratios were smaller in patients undergoing TAPE.  The GA
December 24, 2015
The impact of combined mitral stenosis and aortic atresia on outcomes of Norwood procedures for hypoplastic left heart syndrome was examined in a single institution.  The incidence among 74 operated patients was 19%.  Mortality for affected patients was 29% vs 7% for the other patients.   The mechanism of mortality appeared to be myocardial ischemia.
November 16, 2015
Using the STS Database, a mortality risk score was developed for adult patients undergoing congenital heart surgery.  Procedure-specific outcomes differed by age category.  The age-specific mortality risk score was more accurate than a score for all age categories (81% vs 78%). 
September 4, 2015
Changes in risk profile and outcomes over 40 years were assessed from the Stanford experience with heart transplant in children.  Age at transplant decreased in the most recent time period from about 10 to 5.6 years.  The use of mechnical support as bridge increased dramatically over the time of the study.  Long-term survival increased dramatically,
August 11, 2015
This video demonstrates a laparoscopic repair of symptomatic left-side Bochdalek hernia in a 20-year-old female.
